Mukesh Chhabra Casting Compney
âī¸ Verified Casting Compney
Open Introduction Chandigarh based and nearest of chandigarh for male and female actors
Need : Male & Female Actor or kids
Age : 15 to 60 Years
Time : 11:00 Am to 05:00 PM
Day : Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Address : Cat Film Acting Institute, SCO 62-63 Basement, Near Oyster Hotel, Adjoining Aadhar Seva Kendra, Sector 17A, Chandigarh
Meet : Ankit, Pranav
Casting by : Mukesh Chhabra Casting Compney
Reference & Regards
WoB Audition Update
To apply for this job email your details to mukeshchhabra@mccc.in
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